
Our cb. Commitments…

 We pledge to name white supremacy as well as the impact of racism and discrimination within our company as well as our personal lives. By decolonizing our business, we will acknowledge the existence of whiteness as well as learn to understand how it shapes our operations and how to dismantle its supports within our community. By naming this system that lives inside of all of us as individuals, we can rebirth policies that are based upon diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). We aim to sustainably embed our allyship into the DNA of our organization and to dismantle the patriarchy and white supremacy.

We devote ourselves to the practice of diversified hiring for both in-house roles as well as contract tasks, project photography as well as marketing and visual representations of our brand. Despite our history of variety in visual representations and teamwork, we realize that our future creations must continue to be backed by a paralleled distinction among the members of our team as well as the investments of our dollars.

We commit to engaging in regular anti-racist and anti-discriminatory education and development. This will come in the form of investments of time and money and will occur on a quarterly basis at the very minimum. In alignment with the Black-authored readings, courses and town hall presentations currently committed to at this time, we plan to organize for a DEI consultant to go through our business operations and offerings. This will help to ensure that we are putting our best foot forward to speak and act in ways that advance racial and sexual equity and disrupt racism and discrimination within our community.

We promise to allow for open-conflict and discomfort. As individuals and as a team, we will not try to hide, delete or ignore conflict and will instead allow for a safe space where our community can be heard. We are intent on being a part of and moderating those conversations as we feel committed to taking action to implement the needs of our community. We will encourage our BIPOC and LGBTQAI community members to be heard verbally, artistically, emotionally, spiritually and politically on our platform.

We will refuse to engage in projects that involve cultural appropriation or blatant racial costuming. While we are open to being inspired by the beauty of global and cultural diversity, we are committed to also discouraging such a practice of appropriation by others in our industry.

We will sustainably invest at least 30% of our company budget to the BIPOC and LGBTQAI communities by no later than 2025. Such commitment will include hiring employees, vendors and contractors as aforementioned, incorporating Black-owned and LGBTQAI-owned products and services, and other means of investing in our BIPOC and LGBTQAI communities.

We will express our sincere and long-term commitment to being an anti-discriminatory and ethical organization in a permanent statement upon all of our externally-facing documents (publications, contracts, website, job announcements, etc.). It will make clear our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-discrimination as well as our expectations for our clients and community. We commit to doing no harm.